The Problem: The electric car market is becoming increasingly saturated and as a new player Rivian needs to stand out and increase awareness within its customer base 

The Target Audience: Rivian will target early-tech adopters who look for luxury with their newest items and want to engage with the newest craze

The Idea: Tech advancements are on the rise and increasingly popular, leverage AI Art to expand users horizons

Executions: Social Posts, OOH, and experiential

Role: Art Direction & Strategy

Rivian is at the forefront of exploration, innovating daily while expanding curiosity as the longing to expand our horizons is a human desire fueled by the adventurous spirit.

The part of us that seeks to explore the world is key to ensuring the world is preserved is what drives Rivian. To boost visibility this campaign merged Rivian’s environmental tactics with current technological advances, resulting in the use of AI art in the strategy of the speculative work.

Through a partnership with the increasingly popular AI art generator, Night Cafe, Rivian urges users to expand their horizons and create a world from the depths of their imagination.

Rivian Website

